V-REEL™ Yourself!

V-REEL™ Yourself!

V-REEL™ is a simple framework that will help you discover your unique capabilities and develop a plan for putting them to work to create value for a better career and a better world.

It starts with value

The first step to becoming a better critical thinker and a better strategic thinker is learning how you create value for others. Then explore the resources and capabilities underneath that value creation.

How do you create value?

Who do you need to create value for?

Dude Perfect / V-REEL Perfect

Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple hoser Dude Perfect’s in overtime Tall Guy, Beard, Twins, Purple hoser Now we’re headin’ on to overtime Yes, those are the lyrics to the intro song for Dude Perfect’s Overtime videos on YouTube. If at this point you have no idea what Dude...

The Sad State of Strategic Plans and Decision Making

In the October 26, 2019 print edition of the Wall Street Journal on Opinion page A13, a contributor’s article was published with the following title: “Why ‘Strategic Plans’ Are Rarely Strategic – or Effective”. Wyatt Wells, a professor at Auburn University at...

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